"Be the best you can be ..."



With the problems arising with children's safety, it is important to call to let us know of absences by 9.00 am. Similarly if you take your child out of school - let us know so that we are aware they have left the grounds. If anything unusual is happening please help us to help you by informing the school. The school's phone number is 07-304 9506, or email office@awakeri.school.nz. Absences can be reported using the Skool Loop app.

Ag Day

The school has an Agricultural Day in mid October. All children are encouraged to participate. There are indoor displays as well as calves, lambs, goats and pets. Before the day, a notice is sent home explaining what to do for the indoor exhibits and rules governing calves, lambs and goats.

The day before the show, children are encouraged to bring flowers, containers and plants to school where they assemble their arrangements for the indoor exhibition.

On Ag Day cooking for the indoor displays is brought to school along with the animals and is judged on the day. The children who have animals will have photos taken with their pets. These children are presented with a certificate once these are processed.

The indoor show is organised by the staff. A meeting of all interested parents is called by the Ag Club committee. Successful competitors in the calf, lamb and goat section are eligible to enter in Group Day which involves most schools in the Rangitaiki area. Children not entering pets will take part in school as normal.

Book Club

Through Wheelers we operate a Book Club.   

Approximately one offer is made each term and pamphlets describing the books are sent home to parents.  Orders are done online.

Bus Transport

There are two bus routes.

Every afternoon children's names are ticked off by bus monitors.

Please notify the office, or write names on the white board by the office if your child is not travelling home by bus.

Any parents wishing to change the bus their child permanently travels on is to notify the school. Due to bus loadings, temporary changes are not permitted.

Children can only travel on the bus that they are on the bus roll for.

We would ask you to remind your children of the following rules.

1. Follow the direction of the senior children who are bus monitors

2. Do nothing that will distract the driver i.e. moving / shouting

3. If possible be seated at all times until the bus has stopped moving

4. No food or drink to be consumed on the bus

5. Wait till the bus has passed two power poles before crossing the road

Our aim is to provide a safe bus service for all families. Any minor misbehaviour is dealt with at school. Repeated or serious problems are notified to parents. All children travelling on the bus are asked to sign a Code of Conduct.



These are run by individual teachers, and information is sent out as the time approaches. In general camps are mainly for older children, while the younger ones participate in day trips. Parents are advised of costs and requirements prior to the camp. Any queries should be directed to the teacher.

Parent help is always needed and this will be called for when arrangements are being made.


To prevent a build up of lost property we request that you name all your children's clothing clearly. At the end of each term the lost property will be on display and then disposed of to a worthy charity.

Parents are welcome to check lost property which is kept in the Canteen foyer (beside Room 9), during school hours.


Please if you have a concern come and talk about it. Often the right action at the right time quickly sorts out the problem, or at least makes those responsible aware that a problem exists. If you have a concern about anything to do with school, firstly contact the class teacher. It would be appreciated if it were before or after school as it is often inconvenient for teachers to leave the classroom.

If possible, phone or email for an appointment.

If you are still concerned then the senior teacher in charge of that area, then the Deputy Principal or Principal, then the Presiding Member of the Board may be consulted in that order.

Brigette Davidson is the senior teacher in Karearea which includes Rooms 12-15. 

Mrs Jo Elliot is the senior teacher in charge of Tui which includes Rooms 8-11. 

Mrs Jaimee McCracken is the senior teacher in charge of Piwakawaka which includes Rooms 1-7 

Mrs Louise Howard is the Deputy Principal and Mr Craig McDonald is the school Principal.


If you are involved in a dispute over custody we cannot act on anyone's behalf unless we have a copy of a custody order. Unless we have the order any birth/natural parent is allowed access.

Dental Clinic

Parents will be advised when the Mobile Dental clinic will be in the school. For urgent work outside these days please contact the Whakatane Intermediate Clinic 3071548, or 0800 TALKTEETH.


This takes part in the final week of the school year. This is  our final prize giving and our formal send off for our departing Year 8 children.


Each class has a regular weekly visit to the Awakeri School Library, which gives our students opportunity to issue books to take home, for up to two weeks. For class schedules please speak to your child's teacher. The library is open at lunchtime where it is managed by our student librarians.

Please see our 'Library Corner' website tab to search our book database.

Books are very expensive to replace so please ensure they are looked after and returned by the due date.

Fines are imposed for lost or badly damaged books. If your children are leaving the school please ensure that all library books are returned.


There are not currently lunches available for purchase at Awakeri School. The school often sells ice blocks etc. to help fundraise for school events, such as classroom camps. 

Junior School

The Junior School, also known as Piwakawaka comprises Rooms 1 to 7.

Children move progressively through each stage at a rate according to their own ability.

No formal promotion takes place but children can sometimes be moved on to another room to accommodate children arriving in the New Entrant room.

We endeavour to keep the numbers low in New Entrants, and therefore provide a better quality and a sound beginning to education.

The children who are moved into another room are not however being promoted, but will continue to work at their current level of attainment.

Parents and caregivers are welcome to visit classes before and after school.

Parent help is welcomed, and if you would like to join us, please get in touch with your child's teacher.

Money at school

Most requests for money come home to parents in writing.

The school will endeavour to help but cannot accept responsibility for money lost.


Playcentre is situated next to school. It is a preschool play environment for children aged

0 - 6 years. Enquire at the school office for further details or phone 304 8132.


This is available from the school office before school each day at prices comparable to the shops. At the beginning of the year a list of requirements with prices is sent home.

During the year, school children will bring home a note requesting any further stationery they need.


All children are expected to take part in swimming as it is part of the school program, and a note is required if your child will not be swimming for any reason. Our swimming pool is usually nice and warm. All classes have allocated swimming days in Term 1 and Term 4.  We have a school swimming sports in Term One for children ages 8 years and over. We hold this event at the Whakatane Aquatic Centre.

Sun Safe

Parents are responsible for providing sun-hats and protective clothing and applying sun block on their children before they leave home.

The school has sun block available during summer. Staff will actively encourage appropriate behaviour in the sun during school hours by being appropriate role models. Hats must be worn in Terms 1 and 4, children without hats will be required to play in the shade on the deck beside their classroom.

Top School

This is the school's major fund raising event of the year. It is held in March and involves 30 teams from a number of schools in the Eastern BOP. Each school brings to our school a team of 10 children plus cheer-leaders and supporters to compete in various activities for the honour of being Top School for the area.

Our school has sells food, sweets, raffles along with organising games all day. There are conveners for each area who try to contact people to help with stalls/sales on the day. Volunteers are always welcome!

Code of Conduct

There is a Code of Conduct for all adults who are involved with your child. 

The code lists the expectations that we have when we have contact with children.

All adults will be required to sign the Code of Conduct, and in doing so acknowledge these expectations, before they become involved in school activities. 

The Board has determined that there is to be NO ALCOHOL, SMOKING OR VAPING on school camps and activities.


"Kia Toa, Kia Manawanui"