"Be the best you can be ..."
Due to rapid growth the school has adopted an Enrolment scheme. Entry into the school is restricted.
The school tries to keep a record of pre-school children in the district and your help in keeping this up to date would be appreciated.
When your child is due to start school, please come to the office and fill in an enrolment form, and you will then be advised about the first day of school. Our enrolment form is also available online and can be accessed here.
Birth certificates and immunisation records must be provided for all children when they first start school. Four year olds are invited to visit the New Entrant class, to familiarise them with the classroom routines. Please enquire at the office for more details.
Awakeri School Enrolment Scheme
Awakeri School has been directed by the Ministry of Education to enforce an enrolment scheme that will reduce the possibility of overcrowding at the school. Only children living inside the school zone, children who are siblings of pupils already enrolled at Awakeri school as at the 10th October 2001, and children of Board of Trustees employees have automatic right of enrolment. The Awakeri school home zone, as required under the Education Amendment Act 2000, is defined as follows:
West of the school; All of State Highway 2 (White Pine Bush Road) and side roads, down to and including Downards Road.
North of the school: All of State Highway 30 and side roads, down to but not including Fortune Road. Powdrell Road down to and including Magee Road.
East of the school; State Highway 2 (Awakeri Road) and side roads, down to and including Putiki Road. McLean Road to Reids central canal. All of McCrackens Road.
South of the School: Macdonalds Road and side Roads down to the Forestry access road.
State Highway 30 down to but not including Hydro Road.
List of roads in the zone not mentioned above: Angle Road, Butler Road, Ernest Road,
Fermah Road, Luke Road, Luxton Road, Maunders Road, Melville Road, Murphy Road,
Orini Road, Selwyn Road, Station Road, Te Rahu Road, Titoki Road and side roads, Western Drain Road.
Children living in this area have automatic right of entry into the school.
Children living outside the zone may be enrolled if they are successful in obtaining a place under a ballot system. For more information contact the school office.Note; Siblings of children accepted under the ballot system do not have automatic right of enrolment and will need to make application to do so.
Written applications for enrolment are to be made to Awakeri School;
R D 2 Whakatane or email office@awakeri.school.nz

Enrolment Form
Enrolment Zone
When you have completed this enrolment Form, please bring it in with the following:
* The Enrolment Form signed
* Child's Birth Certificate
* Child's Immunisation Record
* Information on any relevant health concerns
If you have any queries or would like some guidance while completing this form, please just ask at the Office.